Notice: This item is only for the special service. You need to include a pair of bibbed overalls on your order for this add-on service. Items with special services are non-returnable.
If you would like to add back pockets or have the fly sewn shut on to your bibbed overalls please use this item.
Choose from the drop downs which services you want. If you want back pockets and the fly sewn shut you will need to add the item twice to your cart.
The cost is $15/pair for adding 2 back pockets onto that back of the bibbed overalls as seen in the picture. Back pockets are NOT available on the mesh back bibbed overalls or children sized bibbed overalls.
If you would like to have the fly sewn shut the cost is $3/pair. Pink bibbed overalls do not have a fly zipper so you do not need to add this service on for pink bibbed overalls.
When the fly is sewn shut, the zipper is still inside. We stitch the fabric that is over the zipper shut so it doesn't open and you can no longer access the zipper.